Friday, September 28, 2012

Creative Thinking-Finding the Switch

Red Cartoon -copyright Kim Kissinger Marino 2012

Over the years one of my biggest challenges as an artist is not the physical execution of the work, but developing the ability to switch gears from my work-a-day world thinking to creative thinking. 

Day to day I am on the go, running projects in many diverse areas.  
NOTE: I wear my badge of "over-busy" proudly.

But in my art I strive to concentrate on one thing-
no multitasking, 
no multi-managing, 
no multi-overthinking. 

This is challenging for me. 

I find myself thinking about those pesky bills and our business and car maintenance and dog grooming and dental appointments and, and, all of us the list goes on.

During this upcoming residency I am looking for my "Off" switch. 

Or maybe it is my Creative "On" switch. 

I will be posting more on this in the upcoming weeks.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Artist Residency: Definition & Dreams

A Fine Day Indeed- Copyright Kim Kissinger Marino

The truth be told I am only assuming what my art residency in Peoria, Illinois will be like.

I had the opportunity to see the beautiful studio spaces recently when my daughter and I were in the area visiting a college. So I know the layout.

But what I don't know is how I will work in this environment?

How will my art change? or will it?

Artist Residency: Time away from day to day life to live the life of a full time, unencumbered artist (maybe that is the dream part?)

There are many varieties of residencies. In the upcoming weeks I will post a list of residency sites.

If you know of one, please post a comment.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Do I Really Play Well With Others?

Creativity -copyright Kim Kissinger Marino 2010

As an artist I am oh so comfortable being confined to my small studio. In about 1 week I will be living and working for a month with other artists during my Artist Residency at The Prairie Center of the Arts.

Hmm...its been a long time since grad school- which is the last time I worked that closely with other artists.

Though I'm known to "play well" with others, I am a solitary soul.

Not much of a joiner, group member or social butterfly - in the past you could find me on quiet retreats reading, pondering, contemplating and generally avoiding the population.

I must admit, blogging gives me a comfortable balance in communicating with others.

My preparation begins...